What We Believe

At Al-Kitab Scripture Research Institute, we hold to some basic beliefs organized under six headings below. In addition, sample verse references from each of the four Heavenly Books of Islam are cited below each category to lend support to statements made.

1. God — “He is God; there is none else besides him” (Taurat, Deuteronomy 4:35). The consistent teaching of Al-Kitab is that there is only one God and that he alone is the Creator of the universe. The Creator is described in human language using common words. In Hebrew, he is often called Elohim. In Greek, he is Theos. In Arabic, Christians and Muslims both pray to Allah. (This website uses both Allah and God since the material here is for the benefit of English-speaking Muslims.) Although the Creator is transcendent and above his creation, he works actively in the world by his own Spirit (Ruh), having the Creator’s divine essence and nature. By means of his own eternal Word (Kalam), the Creator brought the universe into existence out of nothing by speaking the Word (Kalam) from himself. That same eternal Word and Spirit of God came to the Virgin Maryam, causing her to miraculously conceive and bear a son called Isa al-Masih. He is virgin-born, one-of-a-kind, unlike anyone else who has ever lived. No wonder that Al-Kitab refers to him as both Ruhullah (Spirit of God) and Kalimatullah (Word of God). The prophets called him Immanuel (God with us), for Isa is God’s Chosen One who was to come into the world. For with God nothing is impossible.

Taurat (Genesis 1:1-3)
Zabur (Psalm 104:30)
Injil (Luke 1:35, 37; 1 Corinthians 15:45; John 1:14; Matthew 1:23)
Quran (Al-Tahrim 66:12; Al-Nisa 4:171; Al-Zumar 39:4)

2. Angels — Angels are powerful spirit beings created to do God’s bidding and serve his purposes. Some are mentioned in Al-Kitab, including Jibril (Gabriel) and Mikail (Michael). Shaitan (Satan) was a powerful spirit being who rebelled against God’s authority. Satan is also called Iblis (the Devil) and is the enemy of God’s people.

Taurat (Daniel 9:21; 10:1; Ayub 1:6)
Zabur (Psalm 104:4)
Injil (Luke 1:19, 26; Revelation 12:7; 1 Peter 5:8)
Quran (Fatir 35:6)

3. Books — God revealed the Taurat of Musa to the people of Israel, including the Zabur of Dawud and the writings of many other Israelite prophets. Those Scriptures predict the coming of God’s Chosen Servant, known as al-Masih. Later, God sent the Holy Injil, that is, the good news of Isa al-Masih to be proclaimed to all nations. The proclamation of the Injil will continue until the end of this age when Isa al-Masih returns to earth. The Quran flatly states that the Injil and Taurat are “Guidance” from God himself and the established “Criterion” for discerning truth from error. It further states that if you have questions or doubts about the Quran, you should ask help from those who read the Injil and Taurat.

Taurat (Daniel 9:25-26)
Zabur (Psalm 2:2; 89:3)
Injil (Mark 1:1; 16:15)
Quran (Al-Imran 3:3; 10:94)

4. Messengers — Since the beginning of creation, God has sent his Word to mankind through many different prophets and messengers. Only one messenger was permanently given the exalted title Al-Masih, or the Messiah (Christ), meaning God’s Anointed or Chosen One. Isa Ibn Maryam is the One chosen by God to lead people to salvation from their sins. Isa al-Masih appointed his own disciples to be Rasul (Apostle, Messenger), such as the Apostles Matthew, John, Peter, Paul and others. Through his Apostles, Isa al-Masih warned that false prophets would arise after him, claiming to speak for Allah or even that an angel of God spoke to them! But the Holy Injil ends with a strong warning that no one can add anything more to God’s Word, or take anything from it, for fear of God’s eternal judgment.

Taurat (Amos 3:7)
Zabur (Psalm 105:15)
Injil (Matthew 1:21; 24:11; Luke 6:13-16; Galatians 1:8-9; 1 Timothy 1:1; Revelation 22:18-19)
Quran (Al-An’Am 6:89; Al-Ankabut 29:27)

5. Day of Judgment — Isa al-Masih will return to earth again as Judge of the nations and King over all the earth. He will condemn al-Dajjal (Antichrist) and his False Prophet to hell forever. Shaitan will also be condemned to eternal fire. All of the dead will be raised and give an account of their deeds to God. Those who are counted righteous and belong to Isa al-Masih will receive eternal life. Those whose names are not found in his Book of Life will go to hell to be tormented day and night forever.

Taurat (Malachi 3:1; Daniel 7:13,14)
Zabur (Psalm 2)
Injil (Revelation 19:11-21; 20:10-15)
Quran (Al-Zukhruf 43:61)

6. Predestination — God knows the end from the beginning and is sovereign Lord over all. His purposes will prevail no matter what evil men try to do. Nothing can thwart his plan to save people from their sins, from among every tribe, language, and nation. God holds people responsible for their own actions, yet there is mercy for all who repent of their sins and believe the good news of God’s Chosen One, Isa al-Masih, who is the only mediator between God and mankind.

Taurat (Shaya 40:17,28)
Zabur (Psalm 90:2)
Injil (Acts 17:24-25, 30-31; 1 Timothy 2:5)
Quran (Al-Zukhruf 43:85)