Welcome to the Al-Kitab Scripture Research Institute.
This is a place for Muslims to study “Al-Kitab,” meaning “the Book” or “the Scripture.” According to the Quran, “Al-Kitab” includes the Taurat of Prophet Musa (or the Law of Moses), the Zabur of Prophet Dawud (i.e. the Psalms of David), the Injil of ‘Isa ibn Maryam al-Masih (that is, the Gospel of Jesus Christ), the Quran, as well as the writings of other recognized prophets of God.
Rather than just talk about these holy books, on this website you can examine the text of the book itself. When you click on “Read Al-Kitab”, a new tab will open, with a new menu to help you navigate the various sections of the holy books.
Additionally, you can learn more about the meaning of the holy books through various articles, studies and quizzes. A person can make a far more intelligent and honest evaluation of the holy books if you know what they say.
However, our goal at Al-Kitab Scripture Research Institute is not just that you know the content of the holy books. Our desire is that through the message contained therein, your understanding and worship of the one true God will be enhanced. May you come to know His mercy, love and peace like never before.
Al-Kitab Scripture Research Institute